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Yael Deckelbaum: The Answer Worte finden für das Unsagbare

Diesen besonderen Abend vor einigen Jahren, an dem ich Yael Deckelbaum live auf der Bühne erlebt hatte, werde ich nie vergessen. Ihre Präsenz auf der Bühne, ihre Musikerinnen, Lieder und Botschaften: Die Musik war spürbarer Frieden, der mich und meinen Freundinnen und Mitschwestern zu Tränen rührte und bis in die letzte Körperzelle tief erfasste. Frieden ist möglich … Es ist alles dazu da!

Zu diesem neuen Song braucht es erst einmal nur das Zuhören und Zuschauen –  und wer mag, natürlich auch die Übersetzung.




Lyrics von The answer (Hatshuva)

An eastern wind Is blowing quietly on upon the land
To the sounds of the dawn
And humming engines Time to open up our eyes
And to get out of bed To wake up to our routine
Without an answer

And we must move about and function
And generate the value In the train or on the highway
Under the rules of the machine
And to learn how to engorge the singing of the soul
And forget our affinity to the answer

It’s not easy to wake up Look in the mirror and to shed
That cover that gnaws every good part
And to stand with a bare heart
In front of the naked truth
That we still haven’t found no answer

How can we retrieve The distant goodness If we listen to our hearts
We will be ejected from the game
And we are all in this together It’s not a matter of who is leading
Every human is a fragment of the answer

A generation has gone And a generation is asking
What will be left for those who follow
From the crudity that gnaws every good part
Of the sky, of the sea and the grain of the earth
How have we not found any answer?

But we can still believe Not all has been destroyed yet
Any to hope we may understand
And light will return to our eyes
Shall we sit in courage In front of the locked gate To let go
And come closer
And to listen with a clear heart
Till we wake up with your prayer
The shining of the understanding

That only together will we connect to the answer

Mehr über die Künstlerin: www.yaeldeckelbaum.com


(c) Foto: Pressebereich Yael Deckelbaum


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